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We are here
to fi x them!
We are here
to fi x them!
Unity Reed High School in Manassas
and Woodbridge High School in
Woodbridge are the only two high
schools within Prince William County
Public Schools (PWCS)
that offer an Aviation
Maintenance Program.
Students enrolled in other
PWCS high schools who
are interested in the
p r o g r a m h a v e t h e
opportunity to transfer.
Additionally, express bus
transportation is available
for students accepted into
the program.
Aviation Maintenance
Technicians repair and
conduct scheduled maintenance on
aircraft. Scott Kenney, an instructor
licensed as an aircraft mechanic,
oversees the Aviation Maintenance
program at both high schools. He
brings to the role two years of
teaching experience within PWCS
a n d 14 ye a r s a t a n av i a t i o n
maintenance vocational college.
Last August, during a conference
call about the state improvement
plan for the Aviation Maintenance
program, the owner of Summit
Helicopters in Roanoke expressed
his interest in donating an aircraft
to a school. Seizing the opportunity,
Scott conveyed his eagerness to
acquire the aircraft to enhance his
students' hands-on experience in
aviation maintenance.
Following their conversation, Summit
Helicopters facilitated the delivery of
a Viking Dragonfly MK1 aircraft to
Unity Reed High School's aviation
department. This single-engine, two-
seater plane, with a cockpit four feet
in width, arrived in three sections. The
students were given the chance to
remove the plane from its cradle, clean
the engine and various plane parts,
and ultimately reassemble it.
The program spans two years,
covering Aviation Maintenance I and
II, and complies with Federal Aviation
Administration standards. It provides
an ex tensive c ur r ic ulum that
encompasses working with airframe
and control surfaces, power plants,
basic aviation electricity, ground
operations and servicing procedures,
lab and tool safety, the use of
maintenance publications, forms, and
records, and applying the principles
of science and mathematics. The
program is structured into two blocks,
totaling three hours of
class time.
As a trade and industry
specialty program, it also
functions as a transfer
program, requiring full-
time attendance at Unity
Reed High School. The
recommended curriculum
advises ninth graders to
enroll in Technical Drawing
o r E n g i n e e r i n g a n d
Design, 10th graders in
Construction Technology
or Digital Electronics, 11th graders
in Aviation Maintenance I, and 12th
graders in Aviation Maintenance II.
Currently, the program enrolls 32
students, with 17 attending Unity
Reed High Sc ho ol and 15 at
Woodbridge High School. To learn
more, visit and search
"Aviation Maintenance Program.
Unity Reed High School's Aviation
Maintenance Program: Where Students
Learn To Soar
~ Kristy Gillespie