CENTENNIALX: STUDENTS SHOOTING FOR THE STARS AADVC FY2016 15 William Tennent and Wissahickon High Schools participated in an exciting program called CentennialX with Eli Lilly & PRA Health Sciences Summer Challenge. Selected students were tasked with developing a mini-science curriculum centered on a specific disease—Alzheimer’s was one of five—that would educate elementary school students. The team developed a hands-on kit, complete with age-appropriate manipulatives and directions, a patient story and a visual account representing the disease. Each student team developed curriculum revolving around a specific disease and the Eli Lilly molecule that is in advanced clinical trials. A secondary goal: to raise awareness of clinical trials. Our Chapter’s Claire Day and Katie Macklin met with the students throughout their process as advisors and also presented the latest advocacy update to all the students and teachers. The effort culminated in a 10-minute presentation by the ALL IN team, as well as a health fair table to display their three activities, which included matching games, a game to simulate how plaques and tangles stop neurotransmitters from working and a story, written by one of the students. Groups were judged and two of the five were awarded the opportunity to go to the Stanford MedicineX conference in September. We are proud ALL IN was selected to move on and wish them luck in their future endeavors.