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Isokinetic Resistance Mode
Completely accommodating throughout
the entire range of motion
Resistance continuously matches effort,
accommodating to variations in patient force
output due to weakness, pain or fatigue at
specific points in the individual's range of motion.
By identifying the area that is weak, a targeted
rehabilitation program can be designed.
Targeting and concentrating on the impairment
allows a faster, measurable recovery.
The unique impact-free acceleration and
deceleration eliminates joint trauma, allowing
exercise and testing at more functional speeds.
Applied torque response ensures limb velocity
increases or decreases in proportion to the
torque applied during acceleration and
deceleration, enabling neuromuscular control
Choose concentric and eccentric contractions
to perform isolated plyometric exercises.
Concentric torque up to 500 ft-lb
Eccentric torque up to 400 ft-lb
Isometric Mode
Effectively develop strength and
decrease joint effusion
Commonly used pre- and post-operatively or
when pain associated when motion is a factor.
Work the agonist, antagonist or both muscles
at specified joint angles.
Passive Motion Mode
Multi-function modality
Unique control properties allow for early
intervention throughout all phases of
Passive speeds can be set as low as
0.25 degrees
per second and as fast as 300 degrees
per second.
Ideal for proprioceptive testing ­ Active joint
position testing stimulates joint and muscle
receptors and provides a functional assessment
of afferent pathways.
Isotonic Mode
Restore function
Allows velocity to vary while providing
inertia-free constant force and concentric or
eccentric muscular contractions.
Higher performance
Isotonic force as low as 0.5 ft-lb = 6
inch pound; and as high as 400 ft-lb
Selecting force provides protective pre-loading
of the joint prior to movement.
Reactive Eccentric Mode
For submaximal neuromuscular re-education in
early phases of rehabilitation
Patient must produce and maintain a
predetermined minimum force output to
initiate movement, loading the muscles
surrounding the joint, producing preload, thus
stabilizing and protecting the joint.
Eccentric torque up to 400 ft-lb.
The Technology
Based on accepted science, backed by independent studies, supported by clinical protocols and normative data.