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A result oriented co-operation
At LSS we are very aware that the best solutions are developed through a close co-operation
between you as the customer and us as the experienced labelling specialists. The combination of
your specific product knowledge and our know-how in developing labelling machines is a good
match and the perfect starting point of developing solutions, which are perfectly matching your
needs and meeting your expectations.
We listen to you, we are full of ideas and we are working with thoroughness, which throughout the
years have proved to be the successful way in developing intelligent machine solutions.
Early involvement is the optimal solution
Decades of experience and hundreds of pharmaceutical projects have
shown us that early involvement of our specialists is the best prerequi-
site for developing and, later on, delivering the optimal solution. We are
happy ­ at an early stage ­ to contribute with ideas, advice and expertise
when you are preparing the URS. We are also pleased to enter a dialogue
with operators, maintenance personnel, QA people, project managers and
other key stakeholders in your production.
Thorough project management
When we receive a purchase order, we immediately assign the project to one of our
professional project managers, who will make sure that all specified requirements are
being met. In many cases, we would like to involve you as the customer in our design
review, where the solution, user interface and other details are carefully evaluated
with the assistance of our 3D CAD application. The project manager is responsible for
all project phases until approved installation and take-over.