Spring 2015 November’s Concert For Valor, featuring Metallica and other major acts, helped build momentum for veterans’ causes. PAGE 6 departments features 2 From Emmett D. Carson Find out about SVCF’s role in a historic White House gathering celebrating the importance of community foundations. 6 Partner Power PAGE 5 3 Big Ideas For one SVCF donor, film has the power to inspire action. Learn how she shares her passion with others, and get an answer to the question, “Where is Rod Streater?” Whether working on veterans’ needs, Ebola or education for girls around the world, corporations and nonprofits alike find strength in joint efforts. 14 Impact A by-the-numbers look at the data driving innovation in philanthropy. 10 Stopping Traffic Human trafficking isn’t someone else’s problem; it’s happening here in Silicon Valley. Find out how philanthropy can help bring it out of the shadows. 12 Visionaries With Box.org, Karen Appleton and colleagues made cloud computing work for the greater good. They start by listening to nonprofit needs. 16 What If? What if students learning English were set up for academic achievement? John A. Sobrato discusses a model for success. cover: Jonathan ernst/reuters/corbis top: carolyn Kaster/ap images si l i c o nval l ey c f.o rg n spr i ng 2015 n 1