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For over 48 years our records and comments from tens of thousands of happy and satisfied travelers indicate that the
very best experiences occur in May and June. Most people are not aware that coastal Alaska is rain forest. Since most
of your trip (10 days) will be along the coast, you should be aware that May and June have the least amount of rain to
obscure the breathtaking views of the mountains or to interfere with your sightseeing. July and August have 33% more
rain on average. Average temperatures in May and mid June are only 5 to 6 degrees cooler than July and early August.
Keep in mind that as you travel northward, the days grow noticeably longer, and more sun means warmer weather.
During May and June, the animals graze in the lowland on the coast because the mountaintops are still covered with
snow. As that snow melts, clouds form to obscure your beautiful views and the wildlife begin to move up the
mountains to graze. Also, sightings of seals and whales are at their peak in early spring. Seals are bearing their new
pups and whales are feeding and migrating, so your chances of seeing them are much greater. Beautiful mountain
views and more animal sightings will help make your experience even more fantastic.
Spring is the best time to see the snow-capped peaks. Melting snow forms clouds which obscure your view of the
majestic, snow covered mountains, the most stunning of all is America's tallest peak Mt. McKinley. In fact, because
of the better weather, nearly all mountain-climber attempts to scale Mt. McKinley are made in May or early June. Only
one third of travelers get a good view of Mt. McKinley due to weather, but your chances of seeing it are much better
in May and June.
You absolutely receive the BEST VALUE in the SPRINGTIME! Savings can run as much as $2,400 per cabin over peak
season departures! Higher pricing in July and early August has nothing to do with weather, but rather families who
travel with children while they are not in school, consequently the demand and the pricing is higher. Lower Springtime
pricing gives you the same thrilling experience ­ and with better weather for more enjoyment!
However, no matter when you visit Alaska, you will enjoy an incredible experience. But, if your schedule will allow it,
normally the best weather and certainly the best value by far is mid May through June.
When is the BEST time to see Alaska?
Experienced travelers recommend mid May thru
end of June, and heres's why...
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Best Time to Visit Alaska
Call Today 800-624-7718 ·