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What is the Exam Guide?
he College now has a helpful Exam Preparation
for those who are preparing to write the
Certificate of Qualification (C of Q) exam either for
the first time or upgrading after a failed examination.
The Guide includes study tips, information on training
standards, sample questions and tests, pre-exam
checklists, next steps and much more.
Where can you get a copy?
The Exam Preparation Guide is now available on the
College's website under the resources, guides and forms
Why is it important?
Other than being a valuable tool to help you prepare to
write the C of Q exam, beginning on April 8, 2014, the first
wave of people in the Journeyperson Candidates Class
working in a compulsory trade will need to have passed
the C of Q exam in order to continue to work legally in
Ontario after their 12 months of membership in that class
Preparing to write
your exam
Helpful tips available through the Exam Guide
Quick Facts