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From Chef to Chef
Markon. Fresh solutions for fresh produce.TM
In our view, good enough is never enough. We believe that putting the best produce
on your customers' plates is what will keep them happy and coming back for more.
And we're acutely aware that the way produce is grown, harvested, and packaged
can greatly impact the taste, consistency, and availability you demand.
Markon is regarded as the pioneer and leader in delivering fresh produce to the
foodservice industry. We send our entire staff of inspectors into the fields every day.
Our customers have come to rely on what is indisputably the most comprehensive
coverage in the industry. Whether it involves maintaining quality, assuring reliable
delivery, or promoting product safety, we consistently exceed standard measures.
We go a step further. We think ahead of the curve. We anticipate your needs and
concentrate on the things that matter, so you can take care of business.
Never before have chefs enjoyed as much celebrity--and
responsibility. With the recent economic downturn, not only
do you have to crank up the creative juices, you also have to
tune into the latest trends, incorporate seasonal ingredients,
and implement a food safety program, all while keeping your
price point recession-friendly for your customers. Good thing
quality and value are not mutually exclusive!
We hope this brochure will serve as the resource for industry trends as well
as a launching pad for your own culinary genius. No matter the price point,
Markon has you covered with the most comprehensive range of high quality,
competitively priced fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Bon Appétit!
"As the Senior Executive Chef for Cornell University feeding 24,000 people a day, I am confident that when
I order Markon produce, I receive the freshest, finest quality, safest product available. The consistently high
yields and quality keep waste to a minimum and costs low." -Steven Miller, Senior Executive Chef
Chef Chris Casson