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Vegetable Side
with Red Pepper Aioli
Serves 4
15 Crimini mushrooms
15 broccoli florets
15 baby red potatoes
(blanch with salt 5-7
2 whole garlic bulbs (tops
cut off, exposing garlic)
15 Brussels sprouts
(blanch with salt 5
minutes, remove, halve)
1 C mayonnaise
3 red peppers (roasted)
1 baguette
(1/4" slices, toasted)
1/4 C olive oil
2 Tbsp. Herbs de Provence
Salt and pepper
Combine potatoes,
Brussels sprouts, mush-
rooms, garlic bulbs, and
broccoli. Toss with olive oil,
herbs, salt, and pepper.
Roast in 350° oven 15-18
minutes, or until
vegetables brown.
Dice half of one red
pepper; set aside. Purée
remaining peppers in
food processor until
smooth. Add mayon-
naise; purée to combine.
Transfer to a small dish;
top with diced peppers.
Arrange vegetables on
a platter with aioli in the
center. Add baguette
rounds. Serve warm.
Recipes for the Seasons