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Register at or call 541.383.7270
Education and training play critical roles
in workforce and economic development.
The Continuing Education Department
at Central Oregon Community College
(COCC) provides a variety of learning
opportunities for professionals. We offer
high quality, innovative programs that will assist you and/or your employees in achieving
career objectives. Choose from short- and long-term classes, online and blended deliv-
ery courses, lectures, conferences, continuing education units (CEUs), contact hours, and
seminars. We also offer quality customized training programs to address the unique needs
of local businesses and industries. Our training experts can come to your facility at
your convenience.
Healthcare ............................................................... 10
CPR/Massage Therapy CE .................................11
Landscape Professionals ...................................12
General Information .............................................15
Leadership .................................................................. 3
Business Skills ............................................................. 5
Office Productivity ...................................................6
Project Management

.............................................. 7
Real Estate/Bookkeeping/Tax Prep ....................8
On-Demand Training .............................................. 9
Register online at or call 541.383.7270.
Group registration and invoicing is available. Call for details.
Positive Intelligence: A Brain Hack
to Support You in Work & Life
Learn mental fitness practices that shift you from
sources of negativity in your brain to the positive
part of the brain. This shift serves as a foundation for
improved professional and personal relationships, as
well as building key leadership skills. In this two-session
course, you will identify your most common sources of
negative emotions including stress, anxiety, self-doubt,
anger, avoidance, insensitivity, or discontent. Then learn
how to intercept these negative forces through simple
brain hacks that are shown, through brain imaging, to
change gray matter in the brain. Explore powerful tools
to develop a personalized practice focused on shifting
out of the negative state into a positive state.
Denise Bestwick
Bend HCC 140 $195
1/28 to 2/4 F