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Trends in Chinese American Philanthropy
Participants noted that it can be difficult to characterize the current engagement in philanthropy of Chinese
Americans in the Bay Area. In many of their families, discussions of money and overt displays of wealth are avoided.
While this preference is unlikely to be the case for all philanthropic families, it made it more difficult for the participants
in this study to estimate how involved people outside of their immediate circle might be giving.
Nonetheless, participants expressed confidence that giving among the Chinese American community is on the rise.
As their wealth increases and they become more connected with their communities over the generations, the giving
levels are also increasing. More members of the community are willing to give openly and to encourage others to
do so. Participants noted that the Chinese American community is becoming more visible and active in the larger
community. This encourages others to become involved and think about ways to contribute to the larger society.
I'm not sure that the community does as good a job as the non-Asian community in
announcing the giving or celebrating the giving. I think that's changing. We are seeing more
news about wealthy Pan-Asians giving money, and I think that's a very good thing.
In thinking about the future of philanthropy, participants observed that the next generations are already demonstrating
a commitment to be involved in their communities. As noted by several participants those who were born in the U.S.,
especially third generation and later, grew up in a world in which public philanthropy is the norm. The variety of
options for being involved, e.g., volunteering time, donating expertise, in addition to monetary contributions
means that everyone can find a way to contribute regardless of level of wealth.
Awareness of the needs in their communities
can be created through education,
mentoring, or hands-on experience.