5. “You Can Reach Your Financial Goals” Did you know that credit unions are the leaders in helping consumers make sound financial decisions? Some people call this financial literacy, others simply call it good financial health. Whatever you call it, for decades credit unions have spearheaded efforts to ensure consumers are empowered to make good financial choices. You can feel good that you are banking with a financial institution that cares as much about your financial health as you do! Here are just a few of the financial literacy efforts credit unions support: • Biz Kid$ is a credit union funded public television series, teaching kids about money management and entrepreneurship. For more information see www.bizkids.com. • National Credit Union Youth Week,TM an annual April event supported by credit unions throughout the U.S. with a focus on financial education, and the power of savings for all ages. See www.cuna.org/youthweek for more information. • CU 4 Reality™ is a real world based financial education program that credit unions and schools offer in partnership. See www.cu4reality.org for more information. It’s All About You! 7