LONDON AND SOUTH EAST 10 St Catherine’s, Bramley “We chose boarding at St Catherine’s for our 4 daughters because we liked the atmosphere and approach which is based on high academic ambition, but also a belief in developing the whole person.” Parent (FCO) St Catherine’s, Bramley, offers an unparalleled educational and boarding experience, set in extensive grounds in the heart of the Surrey Hills, yet within an hour of London and Heathrow and Gatwick International airports. Girls benefit from outstanding teaching, gaining very impressive results at A Level going onto prestigious universities both in the UK and worldwide, including Oxford, Cambridge and US Ivy League institutions. 91% of A Level grades were A*-B in 2018. Fantastic facilities include an impressive auditorium for drama and musical productions, dance studio, sports hall, fitness suite and indoor swimming pool. We look forward to the opening of our brand new Sixth Form boarding house in 2020. Our location is perfect; whilst London with its fabulous cultural scene is less than an hour by train, we also enjoy close proximity to the stunning coast and countryside Boarders enjoy bright and airy accommodation. They are cared for by professional boarding house staff who are also qualified teachers. C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N At weekends boarders may enjoy a trip to London, taking in world class museums and galleries, or outings more locally to the cinema or theatre, to historic Portsmouth or vibrant Brighton. A quieter weekend might involve shopping in nearby Guildford, and cooking for friends in the boarding house after an afternoon of archery or ceramics. As a premier UK girls’ boarding school St Catherine’s boarding fees represent excellent value for money but there are no compromises on educational quality or facilities. Head: Age Range: Contact: Website: Mrs A.M. Phillips (Cantab) 4–18 years (youngest boarder 11 years) Clare Woodgates, Registrar Telephone: Fax: Email: Address: +44 (0) 1483 899609 +44 (0) 1483 899608 St Catherine’s Station Road, Bramley Guildford, Surrey GU5 0DF 25 School Type: Girls boarding and day UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2019/20