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Winter 2022
Healthy Living
Lasting Relief from GERD aka Heartburn
Many Americans suffer from GERD aka heartburn, but
never get the condition corrected. Although medication
can provide some short-term relief, it can also cause long-
term damage to digestion over time. Join Integrative Clinical
Dietitian Jari Serra to explore the foods, supplements and
eating habits that can help reduce GERD.
Jari Serra RD
Bend CHLAB 301
1/25 Tu
A Fast Track to Stronger Immunity
Known as "the silent wonder," your immune system combats
infections, removes toxins, speeds recovery from injury and
helps control damaging inflammation brought on by stress
and inflammatory foods. Learn how to boost and maintain a
strong immune system.
Jari Serra RD
Bend CHLAB 301
2/15 Tu
Rebuilding Bones Without Medications
With the right foods, supplements and habits, you can
often stop and even reverse bone loss. Explore how bone
medications can weaken your bones even as they lead to
better DEXA scan results. Join Integrative Clinical Dietitian
Jari Serra to discover how to restore your bone density
without medication.
Jari Serra RD
Bend CHLAB 301
3/1 Tu
Detecting & Treating Low Thyroid
Low thyroid can impact every cell and system in the body.
Standard diagnostic tests are not always adequate to identify
all cases of hypothyroidism. Learn what tests to request.
Explore how foods like U.S. wheat and unfermented soy can
weaken thyroid function, while iodine, selenium, and certain
herbs can help.
Jari Serra RD
Bend CHLAB 301
3/15 Tu
Contemporary Diets - Which One is Right for You?
Join Integrative Nutritionist Dianne Porter as she helps you
navigate the philosophies of many popular diets including
Paleo, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Mediterranean, Vegan and
the Mayo Clinic Diet. Determine which one might be a good
fit for your health and lifestyle goals.
Dianne Porter
1/25 Tu
Exploring the Ketogenic Diet
Join Integrative Nutritionist Dianne Porter for a
comprehensive overview of the keto diet to help determine
if it might be right for you. Learn how to avoid common
pitfalls and how to troubleshoot for stalled weight loss, mood
balance, fatigue, and sleep issues.
Dianne Porter
2/15 Tu
Herbal Strategies: Increasing Digestive Health
Research indicates there is a direct link between digestion
and overall health. Learn about foods and herbs used
throughout the world to attain and maintain digestive health.
Leave with recipes to make easy herbal remedies at home.
Holly Hutton
1/19 W
Balancing Hormones for Men & Women
Discover reasons why you are unable to sleep at night,
struggling with low energy, and why your libido has
disappeared. Explore the connection between thyroid,
adrenal, and sex hormones, and how you can gain control.
Kerie Raymond
2/16 W