SIG N S, L A BEL S A ND TAG S NUCLEAR MEDICINE LABELS PLASTIC CAUTION SIGNS Convey the warning clearly hese signs are constructed of heavy-duty polyethylene with convenient holes for indoor or outdoor mounting. T hese labels are used for patients who have received gammaemitting radionuclides. Printed in magenta ink on yellow background, labels are backed with a special adhesive for temporary adherence, without leaving a sticky residue. Copy recommended by National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. T NUCLEAR MEDICINE RADIONUCLIDE ADMINISTERED FOR __________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT ______________________________________________________________ RETURN ______________________________________________________________ DIET INSTRUCTIONS ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 024-914 024-957 024-948 026-100 024-999 NUCLEAR MEDICINE RADIONUCLIDE ADMINISTERED FOR _________________________________________________________________ 024-900 024-923 DO NOT SEND PATIENT FOR OTHER STUDIES DURING TIME INDICATED BELOW. Nuclear Medicine will need patient at ______________________________________ on ___________________________________________________________________ NPO _______________________ Encourage fluids __________________________ 024-910 026-101 024-911 024-916 PRECAUTIONS PATIENT INJECTED WITH RADIONUCLIDE AT____________________________ RADIOACTIVE UNTIL __________________________ LINEN PRECAUTIONS URINE PRECAUTIONS INSTRUCTIONS: SEE NURSING PROCEDURE MANUAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE PRECAUTIONS Patient Injected for Radionuclide___________________________ Scan To be done at _______________________. Please: 1. Have patient void frequently 2. Pregnant personnel should not attend this patient until ________________________________ 3. Remove label ________________________ NUCLEAR MEDICINE OTHER ______________________________________ 129-160 129-161 026-100 026-101 129-160 129-161 Label, Radionuclide Administered, 200/roll 4" w x 2.63" h (10.2 x 6.7 cm) Label, Radionuclide Administered, 200/roll 4" w x 2.63" h (10.2 x 6.7 cm) Label, Patient Injected With, 320/roll 3" w x 2" h (7.6 x 5 cm) Label, Patient Injected For, 320/roll 3" w x 2" h (7.6 x 5 cm) Signs, Plastic Caution: 024-914 Sign, Caution, Radiation Area 14" w x 10" h (35.6 x 25.4 cm) 024-957 Sign, Radiation Monitors Required 14" w x 10" h (35.6 x 25.4 cm) 024-948 Sign, Caution, Radioactive Materials 14" w x 10" h (35.6 x 25.4 cm) 024-916 Sign, Caution, If you are Pregnant or Breastfeeding 14" w x 10" h (35.6 x 25.4 cm) 024-999 Sign, Caution, Radioactive Materials 7" w x 10" h (17.8 x 25.4 cm) 024-900 Sign, Caution, Radiation Area 7" w x 10" h (17.8 x 25.4 cm) 024-923 Sign, Caution, X-Ray Caution 7" w x 10" h (17.8 x 25.4 cm) 024-910 Sign, Caution, If you are Pregnant 14" w x 10" h (35.6 x 25.4 cm) 024-911 Sign, Precaucion, Si usted esta Encinta Spanish version of 024-910 14" w x 10" h (35.6 x 25.4 cm) Place an Order or Receive a Quote • +1-631-924-9000 • 1-800-224-6339 107