Family & Special Events The Park & Recrea on Department is on the move this summer as it brings its drop-in day camp program to your neighborhood. FREE! cruisers PARK The Park & Recrea on Department is on the move this summer as it brings its drop-in day camp program to your neighborhood. FREE! Experienced staff will be loading up the Department’s van with equipment and heading to the local parks to lead youngsters in a variety of warm-weather ac vi es, spor ng challenges and cra projects. There is no charge to families nor is any pre-registra on necessary. Parents are asked to send children with water bo les. Par cipants will sign in at the start of each Cruiser morning with their names and phone numbers. If it is raining at 10am, the program is cancelled for that day. It is assumed that those children who walk to the park will be walking home when Cruisers are dismissed or may remain at the park to play. Age: 6-10 years |Time: 10:00am-11:30am | Day: TU & TH Date: Park Site Palmer Park 123rd & 73rd Ave June 17 & 19 Passarelli Park 124th St. & Oak Park Ave June 24 & 26 Crawford Park Sequoia Dr. & Cedar Lane July 8 & 10 Community Park 76th Ave & Rt. 83 July 15 & 17 Walsh-Westgate Valley Park Ridgeland July 22 & 24 & Shadow Creek Dr. Community Park 76th Ave & Rt. 83 July 29 & 31 All Ages It is me to get the cardboard out and start working on a crea ve boat for this year’s Cardboard Boat Rega a. This is a great family fun event that is exci ng for par cipants and even spectators. There will be 3 different age categories Family, Organiza on, and Open for ages 8 and up. Each team will be made up of as many people as you want but pick out your best Cap on and Skipper to paddle the boat across the whole length of the pool. There will be many different awards handed out at the end of the race. The Titanic Award (for the boat that sinks the quickest), Team Spirit, and First, Second and Third Place Winners for furtherst or fastest me in comple ng the race in each categories. Par cipants can only be on one team per division. Each team will get a FREE roll of duck tape and two free t-shirts for the two par cipants that are racing in the boat when they register before AUGUST 11th, registra on ends August 18th. Rules and general informa on packet can be picked up at the me of registra on. Day Date Time Fee Ac vity 451300A1 SA Aug 23 9am $16 per boat *Check in for the Boat Rega a will be at 8:15am at the Palos Heights Pool. All par cipants must wear swimsuits no street clothes allowed. Register Today! | Summer 2014 7