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Christian Home & School
High School Ed.
When being a wife and mother is seen as a high calling,
women's career choices will be impacted. One way women
can become educated without devoting a large number of
years to schooling would be to choose a program that takes
two or three years rather than six or seven.
It is important for parents of young women to take an active
role in exploring different career options and encouraging
their daughters to develop their gifts. Parents should also
pray for their daughters and for the decisions they are mak-
ing, that the Spirit will lead them through. First Corinthians
14:33 says, "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace--
as in all the congregations of the Lord's people." Parents
know their daughters best and should provide a place where
their daughters can ask questions and discuss important
decisions. Most importantly, parents should teach their
daughters not to worry about the future because God is with
and will direct his children. Jesus says in John 14:27, "Peace
I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as
the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not
be afraid."
The time of graduation can be exciting, but it is also a time
of pressures from within and from the community. Young
women should rest in the fact that God does not give conflict-
ing but complementary callings.
I know that God will lead my life according to his ultimate
plan. God has already painted the picture for my life, and
the callings he will give me--to university, to marriage, to
whatever he has in mind for me--will complement each other
if I remember to always be faithful to him.
Tori Nieuwenhuyzen is a grade 12 student at Heritage Christian
School in Jordan, Ontario. Her current education plans are to attend
Niagara or Mohawk College to become an educational assistant and
afterward specialize in autism and behavioral sciences. She is the
oldest of five kids.