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Christian Home & School
High School Ed.
to Bounce Back
from a Setback
By Victor Parachin
Bethany Hamilton
was born into a surfing family
and began her love affair with the sport at an early age.
She dreamed of being a professional surfer, and she had the
skills and the resolve to make that dream a reality. In 2003,
when she was 13, Bethany was attacked by a shark while
surfing in her native state of Hawaii. She lost her left arm and
60 percent of her blood.
The determined teen was back on her surfboard a month
later, and in 2004 she placed fifth in her first post-amputation
competition. Since then she has continued to surf, to com-
pete, and to live a confident life. She confesses that from
time to time she still struggles, but she credits her faith for
her positive attitude. "For me, knowing that God loves me
and that he has a plan for my life, that no shark can take
away and no contest result can shake, is like having solid
rock underneath me," she said. "Here's my advice: don't put
all your hope and faith into something that could suddenly
and easily disappear. The only thing that will never go away,
that will never fail you, is God and your faith in him."
Bethany exemplifies the importance of faith and hope in
bouncing back from a crisis. When you're facing your own
setbacks, here are six suggestions for helping you to bounce
1. Practice expansion. "A fail-proof formula for liberation:
dare to keep expanding your heart even if you've
been justifiably wounded by pain or disap-
The effort is never wasted," notes Judith Orloff, MD.
When we experience a life wound, often our first re-
sponse is to tighten up, withdraw, and retreat. Rather
than contract and restrict yourself, remain more pliable
and open. Share your wound with others. This reduces
feelings of shame and isolation, allowing healing to flow
2. Study the Psalms. It's no wonder soldiers often carry
copies of the Psalms with them into danger zones. For
thousands of years these simple but profound human
spiritual expressions have helped people cope with trag-
edy and find peace in times of fear and anxiety. A quick
glance at the Psalms will provide any person with hope
and inspiration, no matter what they are facing. Some of
the most inspiring words from the Psalms include these:
Psalm 56:3: "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."
Psalm 57:1­2: "In you I take refuge. I will take refuge in
the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed."
Psalm 31:15: "My times are in your hands; deliver me... "
Psalm 68:19­20: "Praise be to the Lord, to God our
Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God
who saves."
3. Express gratitude. Here's wisdom from author Melody
Beattie: "Gratitude unlocks the fullness
of life. It turns what we have into
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