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Boarding offers me stability
and allows me to concentrate
on my studies.
Life at Shiplake College is amazing, partly because of how many friends I have
made. There is a real community here and I am able to mix with other year
groups, they always make me feel a part of the College.
The main sports include rugby, rowing,
football, hockey and cricket. There are other
sports on offer, but these are the ones you
can play against other schools.
There are also clubs here such as Taekwondo,
Japanese club and arts club, plus many more.
There are activities at Shiplake which might
not be offered at other schools like archery
or even developing your own computer game.
There is never any time to get bored!
Overall, I have loved my first year at
Shiplake College and can't wait for
Year 8 to begin.
I have really enjoyed my studies and have
already made lifelong friends. I still get to see
my family at weekends and they love finding
out what I've been up to in the week.
After experiencing family events like The
Christmas Fayre, my two younger brothers
want to come to school here too.
Joshua ­ a boarder at Shiplake College.