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I am from Kuwait and I am enrolled
in the specialist music scheme here
at Wells as a pianist.
Being a musician at Wells as well as
having a brother who has boarded
here in the past, I feel that I am able
to comment on both aspects of the
school to show the unique and
friendly environment we have
here at Wells Cathedral School.
Weekend life for the boarders at Wells can
be a great time to relax or have fun. There
is always something going on, whether it
be a sports match, a concert or something
else. Inter house competitions are held
throughout the year, for a range of different
things such as drama to sports.
The schoolwork is most certainly of a high
standard due to the wide array of staff who
have excellent teaching methods conducive
to attaining excellent exam results.
The support system at Wells is truly
something to marvel at it is something
which covers both the Pastoral side of
things in addition to academics and is
something anyone in the school
has access to.
Wells has given me musical opportunities
which I otherwise would not have been
able to get had I stayed back home. For
example, being able to take part in numerous
competitions both in the UK and abroad,
having masterclasses with world renowned
musicians and being able to frequently
perform at concerts inside and outside
of school. At the moment, I am in the
process of applying and auditioning to music
conservatoires and without the help of my
teachers, this would certainly not be possible.
Lulwa ­ a year 13 boarder at Wells Cathedral School.