background image
1. Insert a line from
the draw tools.
ielsen Rati ngs® is a system developed by Nielsen Media Research®, a media
market research company that tracks the audience size for television,
radio, and newspapers. Each week, Nielsen Rati ngs® are published to rank
television program viewership. This informati on helps networks to see how
well certain shows are doing and gives value to a show's adverti sing potenti al.
Stati sti cs are gathered either by households that maintain a personal diary of
the shows they watch or by a small computer connected to each television
in a household that tracks and submits data to Nielsen Media Research®. The
households surveyed or tracked encompass a wide variety of demographics.
The system has been around since its development in the 1960s.
The following acti vity illustrates how spreadsheets can be used to track the
results of a parti cular week's top-rated television shows. In this acti vity, you
will be using the drawing toolbar to enhance the appearance of a spreadsheet.
TV Show Standings
1. Create a NEW spreadsheet.
Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 10 point Arial.
2. Type the data as shown.
3. Change the font size of cell A1 to 18 point
4. Change the font size of cells A2 ­ A3 to 16 point.
5. Format the height of row 6 to 48.0.
6. Use the AutoFill feature to complete the numbering sequence in cells A10 ­
A19 and cells A23 ­ A32 for the Rank in column A.
7. Format the width of column A to 10.0.
8. Select cells A6 ­ A32 and center align.
9. Format the width of column B to 30.0 and left align.
10. Format the width of columns C and D to 12.0 and center align.
11. Format the width of column D to 15 and center align.
12. Bold cells B8 and B21.
13. Bold cells A6 ­ E6.
14. Format cells D10 ­ D32 as numbers displaying 1 decimal place.
15. Format cells E10 ­ E32 as numbers displaying 0 decimal places with a comma
For Evaluation Purposes Only