GRASSES Ornamental grasses are rapidly gaining in popularity. They are beautiful, easy to grow, low maintenance and hardy. They add texture and movement to the garden. They are fun to design with in the mixed perennial border or in a garden all on their own. They provide an interesting vertical accent, without taking up a lot of space. Use ornamental grasses to provide quick screening, revitalize poor soil, as food for the birds, and as cut flowers. They are also stunning in mixed containers. Cool season grasses start to grow as soon as the temperature rises above freezing in early spring. At this time, they often have their brightest foliage. They flower in late spring to early summer. Cool season grasses combine beautifully with small spring bulbs like Scilla or the early Kaufmanniana tulips. They are a good choice for areas with an extremely short growing season. We spruce them up in early spring by quickly running a wide toothed comb through the leaves. (Although we may not be, our grasses are well groomed.) They remain attractive for the rest of the growing season. Warm season grasses begin growth very late in spring or early summer. You may even be fooled into thinking they have died. Once the first grass blades emerge, they grow like gangbusters, They flower in mid to late summer and continue until frost, often leaving spectacular flower heads to enjoy through winter. Some gardeners cut them off in late fall for a tidier appearance, but we like to see the plumes over winter. Cut warm season grasses to within 6” of the ground in spring. Divert attention from the knobby pincushions with tulips and other late-flowering spring bulbs. We suggest a mix of warm and cool season grasses to provide interest from spring to fall. Plant cool season grasses in front of warm season grasses in a border. Grasses will tolerate most soil types, but grow best when soil is amended with compost. We invite you to tour our grass garden along the driveway, just before you reach the nursery. The grasses flourish with very little maintenance and are watered by available rainfall. 105 1-877-538-3228