CLEMATIS integrifolia ‘Arabella’ 6’ z 3 $21.95 Highly recommended. Large, open, soft blue flowers with conspicuous cream anthers. Exceptionally free flowering. Here, Arabella begins blooming heavily in June and continues through to hard frost - as late as November in a good year, surpassing our wildest expectations. Group C Photo: Source CLEMATIS integrifolia ‘Blue Boy’ 5’-6’ z3 $21.95 Lovely, bell-shaped blue flowers. A Canadian introduction, prairie born and bred, so it's tough as nails. Ours, planted in a tough spot, with poor support, lousy soil and no irrigation, is a blooming machine. Group C Photo: Source CLEMATIS integrifolia ‘Blue Ribbons’ $21.95 16” x 28” z4 Large, indigo-blue flowers are up to three times larger than usual on this bush clematis. Low growing and non-vining, Very hardy and robust. Flowers over a very long period, followed by attractive, swirling seed heads that almost steal the show from the incredibly beautiful flowers. Very healthy, hardy and robust. May benefit from light staking or support from nearby plants. A beautiful companion to roses. Group C. New. Photo: Source CLEMATIS jackmanii $24.95 8’ – 12’ z4 Solid, deep purple flowers with prominent creamy-yellow stamens. Vigorous, reliable and loaded with bloom. Group C Photo: Source 132 1-877-538-3228