HEMEROCALLIS ‘Siloam Double Classic’ $17.95 26” Sparkling, double blossoms are a soft peachy pink with a yellow halo and green throat. Petals have perfect pie crust edges. An excellent grower, renowned for its sweet scent. 4.5"-flowers. (2 gal) Photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc HEMEROCALLIS ‘Tiger Swirl’ 32” $26.95 Huge, triangular-shaped flowers are light golden yellow with a pronounced raspberry red eye. The bottom sepals are smooth, often twisting into a swirl. Flowers measure 6.5" across. (2-gal) Photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc HEUCHERA Coral Bells z4 Though once grown mainly for their early summer display of brightly coloured, bell-shaped flowers, the newer generation of heuchera hybrids are prized for their outstanding, all season foliage display. The leaves are jewel-like shades of purple, amber, green, yellow, orange, brown, and near-black, sometimes with silver or metallic veining and ruffles galore. Their low, mounding shape make them easy to work with in the garden - they look good on their own or with just about every other plant nature ever invented. Heuchera prefer a cool garden and their leaf colours are best in shade, but they can handle the sun here if the soil is on the rich/moist side. They’re hardy, disease-free, look great as a stand-alone specimen, fit in beautifully with hosta and ferns and appear to great advantage in containers. Heuchera chug along looking good in the garden from when the snow melts until they’re buried again in the white stuff. For optimum results grow in fertile, moist, well-drained soil in part-shade. Plants are shallow-rooted, and can easily frost heave, so check in spring to ensure they have soil around their roots. Crowns should be planted about 1" below the soil surface. Many cultivars perform best in our northern gardens, as they are intolerant of high heat and humidity. To maintain the plant, divide when the centre becomes woody about every three years or so. Deadheading promotes rebloom and a tidy appearance. The flowers are very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Some of the newer hybrids have been bred for their vivid flower colour and repeat floral display. www.wild-things.ca 40 1-877-538-3228