ECHINACEA Coneflower Prized for their large, brightly coloured daisy-like flowers, coneflowers are a mainstay in the Canadian garden. They bloom over a long period from early summer into fall. Deadheading significantly increases their bloom time. Rounded cones on stiff stems remain upright after blooming and lend architectural interest through the winter. Seed heads provide food for birds and the blooming flowers attract butterflies. They are now available in a mouth-watering array of new colours, including brilliant reds, yellows and oranges, recently developed as hybrids from the North American wildflowers, E. purpurea and E. paradoxa. Echinacea is best in well-drained soil in full sun, though light shade is tolerated. Almost 10 years ago, we planted a few mother plants in our field. They have never been watered, fed, or weeded, and despite the poor, rocky, twitch grass-infested soil, have now naturalized and spread into hundreds and hundreds of plants. They are spectacular in bloom. ECHINACEA ‘Cheyenne Spirit’ $10.95 22” - 30” x 36” z4 Cheyenne Spirit Coneflower Finally. All the new designer colours on a sturdy, hardy, easy to grow, inexpensive coneflower. ‘Cheyenne Spirit’ blooms the first year. Flowers include tomato red, near-fluorescent orange, magenta, golden yellow and white. Height varies by colour. Well-branched bushy plants. These plants are seed-raised and are strong performers. Photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc. ECHINACEA purpurea ‘Cleopatra’ $16.95 18” z4 Deliciously fragrant, lemon yellow flowers on a sturdy, compact, hardy coneflower that blooms from June into late summer. Photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc ECHINACEA p. ‘Hot Papaya’ $16.95 30” x 36” z 5 Hot Papaya Coneflower Spicy red-orange pom-pom flowers with a papaya orange halo. The flowers are fragrant and will last nearly two weeks as cut flowers. This variety has performed well in our gardens. The colour is luscious. This hybrid from Arie Blom exhibits the traits of purple coneflower in its foliage and habit, which means that it is vigorous and tough and easy flowering. Photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc. 27 1-877-538-3228