BUDDLEIA davidii ‘Black Knight’ $24.95 8’ x 3’ z5 Black Knight Butterfly Bush Deep midnight-blue flowers. Long grey-green leaves and tall upright stems form a large shrub. Vigorous and hardy. Highly regarded for its deep colour. (2 gal) Photo: Source BUDDLEIA ‘Orchid Annie’ $17.95 2.5’ – 3’ x 36” z5 Butterfly Bush Very long orchid-purple flower spikes appear above the perfectly rounded shrub-like foliage in midsummer, weeks earlier than other butterfly bushes bloom.. Maintains a compact, refined habit and continues to bloom into fall. Butterflies love it as much as the name suggests. Drought tolerant. Grow in sun. New. (2-gal) Photo: Source BUDDLEIA ‘Prince Charming’ $17.95 3.5’-4’ z5 Butterfly Bush A colour break for butterfly bush. Flowers spikes- 10" longbloom in cerise pink. Upright gum-drop shaped habit. Closer to raspberry pink than purple (2-gal) Photo: Source CALTHA palustris 6" x 12" z2 $7.95 Marsh Marigold Large, showy, bright butter-yellow to orange, waxy flowers are nature’s announcement that spring has finally arrived. Kidneyshaped dark green leaves remain attractive all summer. Excellent for naturalizing in boggy areas, pond side or along a stream’s edge, but will also adapt to ordinary garden soil. A valuable native for its early bloom, tolerance to shade and moist to wet soil. Photo: Source www.wild-things.ca 20 1-877-538-3228