ACHILLEA m. ‘Sunny Seduction’ $8.95 18"-24" x 36" z 3 Golden Yarrow Flowers open intense lemon-yellow, lightening to pastel yellow. New flowers are produced all summer. Drought tolerant and likes the sun. Useful as a cut flower and cutting will also prolong its flowering time. Photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc. ACONITUM Monkshood Tall, showy spikes of hooded or helmet-shaped flowers appear over several weeks in early summer, midsummer or late fall, depending on the variety. Flower colours range from white, ivory, pink, violet and yellow to some of the most vivid blues and purples in the perennial world. The leaves are very attractive - shiny, deeply cut, and very dark green with a black tinge. because they are so easy to grow, many gardeners use aconitum as a substitute for delphinium. Monkshood quickly forms a large clump in moist, cool, fertile soil in part shade to full sun and it makes an excellent cut flowers. All parts are poisonous, but this is not a scary plant unless you’re stupid enough to eat it. I like aconitum a lot and grow almost every variety I can fit into the gardens. I haven’t lost a kid or a dog to it yet. ACONITUM carmichaelii arendsii 40" x 24" z2 $8.95 Large azure-blue flowers on tall spikes bloom exceptionally late - into November here. Beautiful, glossy, dark green foliage. A willing and easy bloomer with very showy and dramatic flowers appearing late in the season, just when the garden needs the colour boost most. Very easy and our favourite of all the aconitum we grow. Photo: Wild Things ACONITUM napellus 36" x 24" z2 $8.95 For blue freaks. Long spikes of helmet-shaped flowers provide a lovely splash of deep blue in midsummer. The foliage is exceptional - dark green and very glossy. Easy to grow in sun or part shade and good for a blue colour blast in the middle of summer. Photo: Source 5 1-877-538-3228