ARUNCUS Misty Lace $17.95 3’ x 3’ z3 Misty Lace Goatsbeard A new, compact, free flowering goat's beard perfect for the shady border or a small garden. This upright variety bears attractive, ferny foliage and creamy-white, feathery plumes which stand out beautifully against the dark red stems and pretty leaves. Stands heat, humidity and cold. Only 24" tall less than half the height of common goatsbeard. A native cultivar, selected by perennial expert Dr. Allan Armitage. We acquired this for our own gardens in 2008, and it just gets better each year. This easy, carefree plant will grow just about anywhere, from full sun to almost full shade in average to moist soil. (2-gal) Photo: Source ASARUM canadense $9.95 4" x 2'-3' z4 Wild Ginger Mysterious brown-purple bell-like flowers hide under large, heart-shaped, ground-hugging gray-green leaves. The rhizomes give forth a wonderful ginger scent when bruised. An attractive, no-maintenance native groundcover for light to deep shade in moist or dry soil. In spring, the leaves emerge like a green tent folded over the flowers already blooming underneath. Never flashy, but one of the abiding joys of springtime in Ontario. Large pots with multiple plants. Photo: Source ASCLEPIAS incarnata $4.95 3' x 3' z 3 Swamp Milkweed Showy rose-pink flowers open from attractive deep red buds in mid to late summer and attract hundreds of butterflies. Flowers are sweetly scented and excellent cut, lasting up to 2 weeks in a vase. An underrated native which grows in wet, swampy areas, where it will naturalize, but also fares beautifully in ordinary garden soil in sun to part shade. A very important food source for the Monarch butterfly, so if you see holes in the leaves of the plant, it’s a good thing. Not invasive. We were thrilled during the summer of 2017 when several customers telephoned, came in and sent pictures of their swamp milkweed and the monarchs they attracted. Thank you. Photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc. 12 1-877-538-3228