LIGULARIA ’Little Rocket’ $12.95 28” z4 Tall spikes of bright yellow, daisy flowers above big, jagged, green leaves. Short and stocky, this is a choice cut flower. Prefers a moist site and protection from the afternoon sun. Photo: Source LILIUM canadense $7.95 2’-5’ z3 Canada Lily An elegant lily, native to eastern Canada. Long, arching stems carry up to 20 nodding flowers, trumpet-shaped and usually yellow, though occasionally in shades of red or orange, with dark maroon spots. Grow in moist meadows or at the forest margins. Slow to establish, but will colonize large areas over time. Well worth the wait. Ours are blooming-sized bulbs, grown from seed wild collected in Ontario. (4"-pots) Photo: Source LOBELIA cardinalis $7.95 3’ x 18” z 3 Cardinal Flower The brightest stop-light colour in the garden. Cardinal-red flowers on tall, erect stems bloom in midsummer. In nature, the cardinal flower grows beside, or in, shallow streams and ponds. In the garden, any good moist spot will do. Resents competition and will sometimes die after blooming where planted, but persists through reseeding. Ours show up in the unlikeliest places - under the tables, in the meadow, in rock gardens etc. Hummingbird magnet and a photographer’s dream subject. Photo: WildThings LOBELIA siphilitica $7.95 3’ x 18” z 3 Great Blue Lobelia Tall, upright spikes of tubular flowers, usually dark blue, occasionally white. Excellent native, persists much longer in ordinary garden conditions than L. cardinalis. Unparalled as a cut flower, it is easy to grow in sun to part shade and doesn’t share its flamboyant sister’s need for the drink. It will reseed, and turns up in the oddest places, and is welcome when it does. Very highly recommended. Photo: WildThings 80 1-877-538-3228