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frame for seven key municipal properties (schools and institutions), corresponding to a total of 19,200 m
of heated area, is reduced to 95 kWh/m
. This corresponds to achieving an energy label B. In phase 2,
energy renovation of the remaining 23 buildings in the pool should be carried out for 8 million euros.

The energy renovation project was launched as an ESCO contract. Politicians liked this funding as it gave
assurance that the savings would be realized. An important objective of the offer was that energy savings
were achieved through building improvement initiatives, so the maintenance backlog at the same time
could be reduced. The ESCO contract ended sadly with a complaint against the municipality's decision. The
result was that politicians cut off the ESCO process to avoid delays in renovation projects due to legal
Instead, the energy retrofit project was carried out as an
internal development project based on the winning ESCO
Company's energy saving catalogue. In this context, only
Phase 1 of the first seven buildings completed for the
administration could manage to handle the job
themselves. The investment amount was only 2.7 million

One half of the investment has been invested in an actual
facade renovation of a school. There has been architects
on the sub-project in order to design the facade and
complete the project. A project manager from Municipal
Properties and Internal Service has been connected to
the project in order to ensure control of it.

The other half of the investment has been invested in
various engineering optimization of the buildings, such as
plumbing, electrical work and carpentry. A small share of
this sum (26,700 euros) is also allocated to behavioural
everything from replacing windows, switching to BMS
system, insulation of attics, commissioning and replacement of pumps, to replacing engines on ventilation
systems. A project manager from Municipal Properties and Internal Service has been responsible for
identifying and prioritizing the measures to be carried out in cooperation with an advisor from Jens-Peter
Madsen ApS. The ESCO Company's energy saving catalogue has been used as a basis for prioritization.

Especially the second sub-project has shown that the project scrutiny poses a challenging phase. The
purpose of this scrutiny is to assess whether it is the right things that are implemented in relation to the
municipality's economic objectives. The technical review of proposed solutions shows that some of the
measures were either not practically feasible or directly adverse to complete. It underlines how difficult it is
to turn ideas into reality. In the end, it proved to be difficult to get all the buildings to reach a class B in the
economic environment that the municipality has set up.

12.3. Innovative practices on multiple platforms
Integrating energy savings in municipal buildings deals only to a very small degree with energy. In fact, it is
all about everything else: about the political support, about administration, about building maintenance
and about operation and use of the buildings. Different platforms in the municipal organization where the
Establishment of solar cell units
Setting up 6,000 m
of solar panels on nine
schools and institutions in Egedal
Investment of 1,7 million euros.
It covers 12% of the municipality's electricity
consumption for building operation.

The solar cells production of electricity can
be followed on an application (see
ny/?name=Egedal% 20Kommune). The plan
is that schools should actively involve the
solar cells in teaching.

The plan is to set up an additional 4,000 m
of solar cells, so 20% of the municipality's
electricity consumption for building
operation will be covered.