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identifying, where savings could be incorporated. On the other hand, these managers have a technical
insight that could qualify the prioritization and selection of solutions in an energy renovation. The reason is
that many energy savings are very technical. By leveraging the technical and local knowledge that the
project managers and their counsel have, more comprehensive economic and efficient solutions can be
12.3.6. The operation and use of the buildings
The municipal properties serve some essential functions of the municipality. Hence the use of the buildings
are a key element in a municipal context. It is not always that the use of the buildings can be incorporated
in an energy context. It can be difficult to bridge the gap between the often technical considerations on
energy and the more 'soft' values connected to the building's features.

In Egedal, municipal property is used for e.g. administration, schools, and day care centers. Users are
therefore municipal staff in the form of teachers, students and the like. They use the buildings in their daily
business, and only to a small extent focus on energy savings. Additionally there are also the technical
service personnel. They typically work at schools and institutions and ensure that they function on a daily

Involvement of daily users
The daily users have an expanded local knowledge of the property, which may be important for ensuring
the quality of the solutions in energy renovation. Although the project managers have strong local
knowledge, the daily users know to a greater extent the functionality of the buildings through their use and
work on site. Although the daily users do not necessarily have the focus on and sense of energy savings,
they have significant knowledge of the building's functionality.

There are several examples in the energy renovation process of building users having contributed to
upgrading and improving technical solutions. e.g. Deputy Principal at a school pointed out that there were
plans to set up air masters in some rooms that are rarely used. These air masters were then instead moved
to some other classrooms, where they would do more good. A technical service employee at the school has
also provided input in terms of how the sensors for light can best be set up so that they do not turn on in
unnecessary situations.

This shows that the interaction with the daily users in the energy renovation process can provide some
useful contributions. In the actual process surrounding one school it has primarily been the Deputy
Principal, who has been involved. The interaction has also primarily been about solving the practical puzzle
in terms of energy renovating a functioning school. However, there have also been held meetings about the
plans between the project managers and the Deputy Principal. Also e.g. the school's safety representative
have been involved.

There has been an involvement of users which has shown great potential for ensuring the quality of the
solutions. The involvement, however, appears to need to be systematized and used more. For instance,
some of the discussions could have gone deeper into an understanding of how the school is being used. It
also seems that the technical service employees at the school could have contributed to a greater extent.
There are some development potential for the next energy renovation processes.

Changes in behaviour
The municipal properties have a certain idle consumption of energy, which is due to the technical facilities
continuously running to keep the school warm and functional. In addition, it is the daily users, who are
critical for the size of energy consumption. For instance, because they determine what the temperature