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targeted action in the schools. Such targeting means that the biggest savings can be found and good
financial results can be ensured.

Targeted efforts on trouble spots

The Energy Coordinator has also worked hard to make the operators think increasingly about energy
conservation in their daily work. These key persons are responsible for different interests in the operation
of the buildings. So, naturally, energy considerations fall out of view sometimes. The Energy Coordinator
supports the operator in remembering the energy issue.

One example is that the ongoing monitoring and optimization of ventilation systems for service and
reliability may be downgraded if there is not enough manpower. Here, the Energy Coordinator takes
responsibility for putting up a system that ensures
regular service and inspection of the ventilation
systems by the right specialists at the right time. This
means that the systems perform more efficiently and
are continuously adjusted with energy savings as a
result. By hoisting the flag in different contexts,
energy is to a greater extent thought into areas
where normally there is no working with energy, or
where it can be difficult to make time for it.
The interdisciplinary effort of the Energy Coordinator
is backed by management. This means that she has
more impact when needed in another part of the
administration. In this context, the internal pool of
800,000 euros also increases incentives to work with
the Energy Coordinator. Without this support, it
would not be certain that the Coordinator would
succeed with her programs.
Figure 79. Example of monitoring consumption
12.3.4. A coordinating role
The Energy Coordinator's work springs from the hot spots and practical work in the municipality. The
strength of her work is that she shares knowledge and experience across the municipal organization. On
the one hand, the Energy the Coordinator contributes that the various conditions around the daily energy
consumption become visible to the politicians. On the other hand, the Energy Coordinator also helps
translate the political ambitions into concrete actions that can be carried out in the hot spots. This
coordination on the administrative platform is crucial for energy initiatives happening in the daily practices.
12.3.5. The constructional platform

Many municipalities have dedicated project managers who are responsible for the daily operation of the
municipal properties. These employees have an overview of the ongoing maintenance of the properties.
They also have great insight into the properties' constructions and technical details. They typically know the
properties well. It can be difficult to incorporate energy savings in the projects because the need for tough
prioritizing to solve the economic puzzle.