background image
36 NFL Players
Insert a watermark behind text.
37 Presidents and Their Dogs
Create and format a table.
Insert a row in a table.
Merge cells in a table.
38 Worldwide Movies
Sort text within a table.
Use the AutoSum feature within a table.
39 Summer Daze
Verti cally align text within a table.
Change row height within a table.
Distribute table columns evenly.
Change the text directi on within a table.
Insert clipart into a table.
40 Resume
Create and format a resume.
41 My Resume
Open a document and use it as a template.
42 American Idol Winners
Insert an Excel worksheet into a Word document.
Format cells in an Excel worksheet.
43 Marching Band Fundraiser Use the AutoSum functi on in an Excel worksheet inserted into a
Word document.
44 College Links
Hyperlink text to Web site addresses within a document.
45 Image Links
Hyperlink images to Web site addresses within a document.
46 Graduati on Card
Create a greeti ng card using advanced draw tools.
47 School Newslett er
Create and format a newslett er.
48 Make Your Own
Newslett er
Create and write an original newslett er using a template as a guide.
49 School Flyer
Create and design a fl yer.
50 File Links
Hyperlink text to fi les.
Curriculum Guide
For Evaluation Purposes Only