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Double-Decker Café and Pastry Parlor
999 South Main Place
Country Hills, MD 63921
Dear Mrs. Winowski:
As President of the Senior Class at Country Hills High School, I would like to
personally thank you for your generous donation of catering our after-prom
"All-Nighter." The sandwiches and salads were so delicious, but the huge hit
of the night was the life sized bulldog cake in honor of our school mascot.
You truly outdid yourself on that one!
The Senior Class had worked on this project for six months leading up to the
prom. We felt we needed to do everything possible to provide a safe and
memorable after-prom social. And, it was great for our parents, too. They
got to get a good night's sleep knowing we were all safe.
The "All-Nighter" was an alcohol- and drug-free event and provided a place
to just hang out and talk about our high school years. In addition, we put
together a senior class slide slow that showcased many humorous and
memorable events of things done throughout the school year. Best of all, we
all made it home safely the next day.
Thank you once again for your generosity, from the bottom of our hearts
(and stomachs), too.
Your Name
Senior Class President
Thank You Lett er
For Evaluation Purposes Only