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All Employees

Your Full Name, CEO, The Network

<Insert current date>

SUBJECT: Good News

Let me start off by thanking each and every one of you for your outstanding commitment to
The Network. Because of your dedication to our company, profi ts this year have exceeded what
we could have ever imagined. Your great work and outstanding customer service has made The
Network the most popular place for teens to socialize in the Greater Boston area.

My way of saying thank you will be refl ected in your paychecks beginning this week with
each employee receiving a 10% pay increase. Not only will you receive a pay increase, each
employee will receive an extra week of paid vacation per year.

I am confi dent that with your contagious enthusiasm and commitment, The Network will
continue to increase its membership base. If I can be of any assistance to you, or if there's
anything you would like to speak to me about, whether you have ideas to make the operation
run smoother or to just simply chat, my door is always open. Feel free to stop by anytime.
Good News Memo
For Evaluation Purposes Only