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100 Whatever Street
Wherever, FL 01234
Current Date
Samuel Hicks
Hamilton High School
30 Boston Neck Road
North Kingstown, RI 02852
Dear Sam:
Congratulations on your upcoming hi school graduation. Halve you decided weather
you'll be going on to college? Do you no what you're next step will be? Let us hear at
Florida State University aide you with that search. We offer more than 100 degrees and
certificates witch will lead you down the path of your dreams. With all of our offerings,
we no they're is a program here maid just for you.
A representative from Florida State will be meeting with students from Hamilton Hi on
Monday of next weak, and we wood like to schedule an appointment too meat with you
to discuss you're future. Sum of the things our representative will go over with you are
your interests, hour program degrees and certificates, our admissions policies, our lone
programs including financial aid, and he will leave you with packets of information to
bring home four you and your family to brows threw.
You should have already received an appointment request form in the male. We will
knead you to fill out the form and return it to your guidance counselor as soon as
possible. We will schedule your appointment around your class schedule. Please dew not
weight...your future depends on it.
If eye can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me at 555-888-1234
oar by email at: You will knot be sorry you took the
time to meet with our representative. Florida State can make all of your dreams come
Andrew Coyne
Admissions Counselor
For Evaluation Purposes Only