background image
Note: Rotate the contents of Quadrant 3 180 degrees (fl ip) so that it can be read
properly when the greeti ng card is folded and printed.
8. Leave Quadrants 2 and 4 blank.
9. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy.
10. Save the document as CONGRATS.
11. Print the document if required by your instructor.
Note: Fold the document in half along the verti cal dott ed line and then in half
again along the horizontal dott ed line. The front cover (Quadrant 1) should be
facing the outside.
12. Since you did not include a header in this acti vity, write the acti vity number and
ti tle, and your name on the back of the greeti ng card, aft er it has been folded.
Graduati on Card
For Evaluation Purposes Only