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Getting to Know Your Clients
As the Google Apps Specialist for The Google Docs Specialist, Inc., you will be responsible for creating
a series of documents that are important to the success and growth of your clients' businesses. Before
you begin, it is essential that you become familiar with the companies you will be working for. In this
workbook, you will be working with the following three clients:
1. Adrenaline Sports
2. B4 U Click
3. Healthy Hut
Company Overview for Adrenaline Sports
Max Driven grew up in a neighborhood that was bustling
with the busiest kids in town. These overly active kids kept
themselves busy by playing sports and outdoor games all hours
of the day, including one epic game of Capture the Flag that
lasted until midnight! One of Max's fondest memories was being
able to run out his front door and join a game of baseball at the
park, play 3-on-3 in the driveway, and toss a round of frisbee golf
with his friends all in the same day! As an adult, Max continued to seek out activities that gave him the
same adrenaline-filled life he lived as a kid. His love for sports and the outdoors inspired him to open
Adrenaline Sports in his hometown.
The store offers quality sporting goods and equipment for a wide variety of activities, as well as top-
notch customer service. Since Max grew up in the town, he is well-known in the community, and
has many loyal customers that rely on his store for their sporting good needs. The success of the
hometown store has led to the upcoming opening of another store in a larger city 20 miles north of his
hometown. To keep business strong in both stores, Max will rely on business communication tools such
as documents, spreadsheets, and presentations to ensure consistency between the two stores. One of
Max's goals is to ensure that employees and customers are able to enjoy the same sporting excitement
that he adored while growing up in his neighborhood.
For Evaluation Purposes Only