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Project 1.10
8. On the first line of the document, key the title center aligned and bold as shown.
9. Key the text left aligned as shown.
Note: Use the automatic numbering feature as shown.
10. To align the text for the phone number, date of birth, and today's date section, add a left tab stop at
4.75 inches as shown.
11. Insert a footer with the page number center aligned as shown.
12. Exit the footer and insert a page break. On the second page of the document, you will see the
Adrenaline Sports logo already inserted into the header. On the top line of the document (not in the
header), key the title center aligned and bold as shown.
13. Key the text left aligned as shown.
Note: Use the automatic numbering feature when needed.
14. Confirm the page number has automatically been inserted in the footer of the second page as shown.
15. Carefully proofread your work for accuracy and format.
16. Print preview the document. Your document should look similar to Figure 1.10.
17. Share or print your document if required by your instructor.
For Evaluation Purposes Only