background image
Project Description
Your Job
Insert and resize a logo
Align text
Create a table
Change border style
Resize column width
Change column background color
Project 1.4
Price List
Unit 1: Docs
Every spring, Adrenaline Sports has its Annual `Tent' Sale to promote its
large selection of camping tents and equipment. A list of price changes
will be needed to organize the information. This list will also assist the sales
staff and cashiers when informing customers of the great money-saving
opportunities being offered on the camping tents and equipment.
As the Google Docs Specialist, you will create a price list that provides the item number, name, original price, and
sale price for each camping tent available at Adrenaline Sports.
1. Open the Adrenaline Sports folder and create a new Google Docs document.
2. Unless otherwise instructed, rename the document Project 1.4 Price Change List.
3. As you complete this project, refer to Figure 1.4 for content and visual guidance.
4. At the top of the document, insert the Adrenaline Sports logo from the Logos folder.
5. Resize the logo to approximately 2" wide and 1" tall, then center align the logo as shown.
6. Two lines below the logo, key the title, then center align and change the font size to 14 as shown.
For Evaluation Purposes Only