background image
Figure 1.13A
Digital Trails: What You Leave Behind
Think about what happens when you go hiking in the woods. Your boots leave
impressions in the dirt. As you walk, you may accidentally drop something or step on
plants. All of these things leave a trail that could be followed by someone who knows
how to track.

The same thing happens with the actions you take while online: they leave a digital trail
that can be followed. Some of your actions can be easily tracked by just about anyone
who goes online. Other actions can be tracked by data brokers (companies that collect
and sell data about consumers), marketers, and advertisers. Still other actions can be
tracked only by people with certain levels of authority, such as law enforcement officials.
Let's take a look at ways your digital footprints leave trails across the Internet.

Browser History
Rewards Cards
Social Media
GPS Technology
Project 1.13
Newsletter Article
B4 U Click
For Evaluation Purposes Only