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Figure 1.8
Webster 1
Milton Webster, Director of Education
B4 U Click
(current date)
The Importance of Unplugging
Over the last 15 years, technology has evolved greatly. One of the most notable changes
is that technology is much more accessible to children and teenagers. With the introduction of
mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, young tech users can bring their
technology almost anywhere. As a result, children and teenagers are spending more time looking
at a screen, or being "plugged in."
The American Academy of Pediatrics says that children and teens should engage with
screen time activities for no more than one or two hours per day. However, recent studies reflect
an increased use in screen time. According to the online article, "Screen Time Statistics," only
27% of kids ages 1215 meet the recommended limit of two hours or less of screen time per day.
The article also states that 7% of kids in the 1215 year old age group reported watching five
hours or more of TV per day. These statistics can be troublesome because spending more than
the recommended on screen time can lead to health issues at an early age.
The importance of unplugging and turning off screened devices revolves around the
health of children and teenagers. By unplugging, users will reduce the possibility of elevated
blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and being overweight or obese as a kid. Another negative
health effect is related to too much screen time before bed. Spending more than two hours
watching a screen prior to falling asleep can reduce the quality of sleep. Poor quality of sleep can
then lead to trouble learning and staying awake during the school day.
MLA Style Report
B4 U Click
Project 1.8
For Evaluation Purposes Only